The book I found most interesting was Human Rights Graphic Novel: Drawing It Just Right, written by Pramod Nayar. It is a novel based upon human rights and consists of a variety of stories [from] across the world. These stories include viewpoints from India to South Africa and even stories on Vietnam. Human rights events were also included in the book which also consisted of the Holocaust, the partition of the Indian subcontinent, the Rwandan and Sarajevan genocides, and even the Vietnam War. Personally, I think this book is something special because of its variety of viewpoints, and it also gives several different points of view and not just one story that focuses on human rights, yet it shows the multiple stories that all correlate to human rights being a very significant issue around the world. Reading a graphic novel gives a better background of knowledge because it actually shows pictures of what the actual story looked like. It also gives you a platform to think off of when you are reading the story and how everything fits together in a very specific way.
—Julia Jacobs, CMRD101 Fall 2020