The graphic novel I chose, The Arrival, by Shaun Tan, follows the story of a man who is immigrating to a new country. I believe this book does an amazing job getting the reader to empathize with the main character throughout the story, as they have to interpret what is going on in the story without the assistance of a narrative or dialogue in words, just as the main character has to navigate this ambiguous new country without knowing the language. By presenting the struggles immigrants and refugees have to go through in such a way, I believe readers can come to be more understanding and empathize with immigrants better in their community. It is very important to not forget the human side of such a politicized issue as immigration, and I think this book does an excellent job in making this point without saying anything at all. Because it is a story of pictures and no words, it’s very accessible to all groups and carries a powerful message of acceptance that many within society could benefit from. I think the medium of a graphic novel is great when dealing with complex issues because it presents information through a different medium, which may help readers understand the many parts of a complex issue better than if it was just explained in writing.
—John Terracciano, CMRD101 Spring 2021